Thoughts on life with a Navy Chief through the eyes of a wife. Supporting the Troops, and just trying to get through life!
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Tuesday, October 17, 2006
First Day Tommarrow

Saturday, October 14, 2006
The Ball-I'm beginning to hate this day.
This morning when he said the button is missing I guess I asked him too many times if he was sure....I asked him "What button?" (He answered) "Are you sure it was there before I took it over there?" (He answered) "It's not the button that is in the jewelry box that you took off?" <---My bad Should have stopped at "What Button?" But silly me I tend to ask more questions than he thinks is appropriate. So i've only been awake an hour and it's allready been a shitty day...just wait till I have to put on pantyhose!
We don't have a lot of money right because we changed jobs so I had considered not having my hair done but with it being so long and my lack of skills regarding the back part I had changed my mind about what I was going to do with it and suggested we drop by the store and get a barrette so I could pull the front part back...well that prompted a bit of a snappy reply to him about not caring about my hair (it was more colorful than that but i'm being nice) because apparently I decided to do a bun, which looked stupid--leave it straight and kinda curl it--doesn't look formal enough and now a barrette?!?! HOW DARE I be worried and self concious and hate the way that my hair looks and consider more than the one option!! I'm always doing that though...considering my options and mentioning them out loud...You'd think I would see someone about that! But no I haven't seeked professional help for that habit yet.
I am beginning to feel bad about myself some days and I've been terribly depressed and alone now that I am home by myself and I couldn't find any job that I felt was "up to my standards and experience". Nobody seems to know that but me....I mention it sometimes...silence...okay then i'll go do the dishes. I'm sure it will get better. I've got 9 hours till the ball i'm sure my puffy eyes will look fine.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Simply put Combat-Related Special Compensation (CRSC) provides military retirees a monthly compensation that replaces their VA disability offset. This means that qualified military retirees with 20 or more years of service that have "combat related" VA-rated disability will no longer have their military retirement pay reduced by the amount of their VA disability compensation...... (read More from Military.Com)
Sunday, October 08, 2006
I Blame California

So when I can't lose weight because everything that is healthy and that we are told is good for us in this world is causing death, paralysis, kidney failure and god only knows how much more things---Well ya'll I blame California!
It's not me...after all I have always know that processed food is better. The more preservatives it has it's safer for me. After all nothing harmful can actually survive when they cook something for so long (Dinty Moore Stew) and then pump it full of preservatives (Cheetos and Twinkies) that's all we get is pure uncontaminated food. So for all those wondering what's safe to have for dinner tonight...Forget the Salad Bar, Don't even think of eating Subway's fresh ingredients and steer clear of the produce aisle--Instead head over to the frozen food section and pick up some TV Dinner's and know you are giving your family a safe meal tonight.
Pick up some of those Lean Pockets--Veggies galore in those! And once you get done eating all that sodium you will find that you are a bit thirsty. Be Careful though...don't reach for the tap water you never know what critters will bite back when you drink it, instead grab a $1.50 bottle of water on your way out of the store!
Saturday, October 07, 2006
A Wasted Saturday
- NMCB 18
- Gerbil
- Door Moldings
- Carpet
- Roller Girls
- Support Military Families
- Cancer
- Gerbil Advertising
- Jobs That Pay you to do nothing <---Didn't get anything useful in case you are wondering
Okay but enough about that...Anyway I went to my usual boards...realized that sometimes I think about typing something that might be offensive to others so decided against posting anything...and found my way on YouTube. Watched some good video's, one got me to thinking about when Hubby was gone....it was a tribute to Military Wives and part of a poem that was in the video struck home "For those that figured you would remodel the house while they are gone to fill your time....Then realized you didn't know what you were doing and wished you had some help" I just began to picture myself one late night in my bathroom with a sledgehammer beating the vanity up with it because it wouldn't come off the wall. I knew there were screws but I didn't know the damn thing was gorilla glued to the wall as well....and I was almost in tears because I couldn't get it and I knew if hubby was here he would get it off...I dunno it made me laugh.
Oh and the gerbil thing....Does anyone remember the nasty little gerbil commercial from years ago...It looked like a mouse on crack and it used to dance around...I could swear it was for Domino's or something...But anyway that stupid gerbil would freak me out!!! I was looking for it online but since I can't remember who it was for...I can't find it. So if someone can point me in the right direction-most appreciated!
Friday, October 06, 2006
A Friend & A Fleeting Conversation

Well I got to talk to an "old friend" today for a few minutes...I'm not going to mention names but it was someone that I met on yahoo while my husband was deployed. The last 6 months of his deployment kinda sucked. I was so busy the first 8 months...doing support groups, emails, taking care of everyone else I didn't have time to think about me. Then everyone else came home and the emails stopped, the phone calls stopped, the support groups stopped....All I had to think about was me by myself. I was suffering from insomnia and never slept....so it was great because I could stay up to talk to hubby on the computer and after he had to go work I chatted with "my boys" as hubby called them. Soldiers mainly, a couple marines but all over in the sandbox except for one in Bosnia.
There was one who really helped me survive every day and not be so lonely. I know he probably doesn't know it or even think about it but he really did make my days better....when I would log on I would look and hope he was on. Because he didn't want to talk to me about my breasts or sex or anything like that...he didn't try to impress me (I don't impress easily) he was just there to talk about nothing with...and of course talk about his wife. We talked about his wife and my hubby A LOT LOL
So I was able to talk to him for a few tonight....things didn't go as smoothly as they did for my hubby and dealing with coming back...or maybe mine just doesn't talk about things that much. But it was good to hear that things are going good for him now. It saddens me when I hear about guys having issues when they get back....it shouldn't be that way but I can understand why it is. But he had to go quickly, for now I'm happy for a few minutes with an old friend, even if he is virtual.
Wish I was a Workin Gal

Wednesday, October 04, 2006
You think your MIL is bad?
Bride's Parents Charged With Kidnapping
By DEBBIE HUMMEL, Associated Press Writer
1 hour ago
SALT LAKE CITY - A pre-wedding shopping trip for a 21-year-old bride ended with felony charges against her parents, who she says kidnapped her and drove her 240 miles to Colorado, trying to talk her out of the nuptials along the way and holding her until she missed the ceremony.
"I've never had a case quite like this," Utah County Attorney Kay Bryson said Tuesday after charging Lemuel and Julia Redd with second-degree felony kidnapping.
Bryson said he met with the couple's daughter, Julianna, and her now-husband, Perry Myers, before charging the parents. "It is strange that parents would go to that extent to keep an adult daughter from marrying the man that she had chosen to marry," he said.
The Redds told their daughter they were taking her on a shopping trip Aug. 4 and then drove from Provo to Grand Junction, Colo., according to Provo police Capt. Rick Healey. Myers, 23, called police when his bride didn't attend a pre-wedding dinner with his parents that night.
The Redds spent the night in Colorado and drove back to Provo, about 40 miles south of Salt Lake City, the next day, Healey said. They arrived after the young couple was supposed to have been married in a ceremony that day at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Temple in Salt Lake City.
"I was totally confused and manipulated," Julianna Myers told KTVX-TV in Salt Lake City. She said she supports the charges and hopes her parents get help.
"They had their concerns, their reasoning," she said. "Honestly I don't understand. It had nothing to do with Perry."
Bryson said after reviewing the police investigation it was clear a crime was committed.
The couple, both students at Brigham Young University, were married in the temple on Aug. 8, Myers said. They are expecting their first child in May.
"We were just glad the way it ended and she just came back and she was OK," Myers said. "We've gone forward since then.
Lemuel Redd, 59, and Julia Redd, 56, were charged Friday and are scheduled to make an initial court appearance Oct. 26. If convicted, they could face one to 15 years in prison.
A call to a listing for Lemuel H. Redd at the address in Monticello, Utah, listed in court documents went unanswered Tuesday. No attorney for the Redds is listed in court documents.
Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Who's flying to your bedside?
ME:"Hey Honey...weird question but, if you were to be severly injured and need to be brought to the States or Germany who would you want to be there? Because they will fly 3 people there on the military's dime."
HIM:"Really? I didn't know that...you know more about that than I do I guess...hmmm well I would want you there"
ME:"Well Duh! I'm flying there whether I pay for it or they do...I got a passport and a birth certificate, i'm ready to roll"
HIM:"Unless I can't talk you wouldn't know about it anyway because I have it set up so they aren't suppose to notify you unless I can't speak" <---This is so I don't get a call in the middle of the night letting me know that he's been injured but not getting all the facts and having to sit and worry till he can call me...better to get the story from him than someone else.
ME: "Honey, If i'm flying it's probably pretty serious and you probably won't be able to talk....I mean I think they can manage to fix your ankle or something without me being there pestering them"
HIM:"Well I guess just you, after all Mom wouldn't come if there is blood around" Thinking of the pictures I have seen and the stories I know of...i'm just thinking that she wouldn't be as much help as one would hope.
ME:"Okay well I just wanted to know so if it ever came up I would know how to handle it...I want people there that would make your recovery easier and that you would want to see once you woke up"
I sometimes hate to be this prepared....who do you want to fly to your bedside if you are on the verge...and where do you want to be buried if you die.
A Few Good Things
www.ourmilitarykids.org is helping do just that...
"The mission of Our Military Kids, Inc. is to ensure that the children (K thru 12) of deployed and severely injured Reserve and National Guard personnel can afford to participate in activities such as youth sports, fine arts and tutoring programs that are so important in their young lives during this stressful time."
If you know of any sporting deployed or active duty members they can go to this website and get free magazines sent to an APO/FPO address.
Just a couple good things today to pass on. Have a few other things to post but need to get to bed...Job Interview tommarrow!!! Wish me luck!!!