Awww the smell of coffee at midnight....an insomniac's world! I bought a coffee pot today at the big "W". $9.97-wow what a bargain....till I made coffee in it. Apparently it is so new and clean that the water just flows through it like....ummmm water. So I am happy that I have my coffeepot and I go to get my nice cup o joe and what should I see...the fact that apparently 1 tsp of creamer is TOO MUCH for this brew!
It appeared I was drinking dirty milk. I upped the coffee allowance per pot---still nothing! I'm up to a 1/2 cup of coffee for each pot and it's still not very strong. Maybe I should have checked out the
Folgers Perfect Amount calculator before I began my quest....according to them it's a 1/1 ratio of cups of water and tablespoons of coffee until you get above 4 servings of coffee (serving being 6 oz). Then it gets tricky.....I won't get into the mathematical equations I was doing on the Texas Instruments calculator from my college days BUT according to the perfect amount calculator for 12 servings (My coffee pot says 12 cup capacity....does anyone know if that is CUPS or SERVINGS...because a CUP is 8 oz and they are basing a serving on 6 oz....If I went off the calculator for the perfect amount I would be off if I went by cups instead of servings....oh well doesn't matter) is 12 tbsp. Hmmm 12 tbsp is what? (I should watch Martha more often I suppose)
Awww the wonders of the internet....
Measurement Conversion Table shows that 12 tbsp would be 3/4 of a cup. Hmmm so apparently I am lacking coffee. But now why does my 1/8 of a cup say "Coffee Scoop" on it?!? I think it would be easier if my 3/4 cup said it.....I'd much rather use it once than put 6 scoops in...I attempted to see how many cups of coffee were in a container but I couldn't find it...I did find
"Gifts in a Jar" when I searched though....hmmmm is that still popular because if so I'm going to Costco to get the ingredients...Christmas is done!
Anyway back to the coffee....If I drink 3 pots of coffee a day and my coffee cup from Iraq is 8 ounces based on above measurements how many days will a container of coffee last? I swear it's Pre Algebra all over again....Screw it I think this is why people pay $3.85 for
Hmmm Sleeping would be good right now