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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Windex & A Yellow Jacket

Today my daughter wanted "something chocolate" that were the perimeters that I was given around 4 pm. So I ran to the store to look for something that would appease the I was driving home minding my own business a bee must have snuck down my shirt at some point and stung me...I was driving and reached back because I wasn't sure what actually got me...I could feel it in my back still and tried to pull it loose...well that just apparently pissed it off because it stung me again...and once more for giggles before I was able to jack the car into the driveway really fast and jump out. I ran inside and yelled at my daughter to look and see if it was still stuck to my back...yes it was and so she hit it with a shoe to get it off my back and we preceded to kill it. There it was laying on the floor venom coming out along with what looked like a huge piece of my skin left on it's stinger....a YellowJacketOf course I had no ammonia so I ran around the house looking for something....hunched over in pain as the piercing pain shot through my back....Windex...well at least I have that and so I told her to spray it on my back in hopes it had ENOUGH ammonia in it to help ease the pain a bit....It didn't help....I ended up sitting down on the couch and soon I began to feel chest got tight, my vision was beginning to blur and I felt dizzy....I went to the store to get some medicine but once I was there I was having difficulty walking and my brain was all fuddered up. I ended up not getting the medicine because I couldn't remember what I went to the store for....eventually went home and spoke to my mom about it and she yelled at me to go to the store again and buy some benedryl. I couldn't see it once I got there and asked the pharmacist to please show me where it was...of course I had been looking right at it and missed it. I took it and within a few minutes began to feel better....I'm wiped out but no longer feel like I am drunk...

I wanted to sleep earlier but I had told my daughter that if I fell asleep and couldn't wake up or looked like I couldn't breathe and gave her the phone to call 911. I was scared that she would freak out and poke me once and whisper "Mom can you wake up?" and I would wake up from my nap to find some EMT standing above me LOL So I am better still hurts like a sucker but no ambulance ride was needed.... It's a pain to be alone and not have a ride to the hospital!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Friendship & Drama

Go through your phone book, call people and ask them to drive you to the airport. The ones who will drive you are your true friends. The rest aren't bad people; they're just acquaintances.
Jay Leno

So I was thinking the other day as my daughter and I were having a discussion about her "friends". They are so full of drama that if I had that much going on when I was 11 I would never have gotten through 6th grade!! I guess I kinda did....

My best friend was helping take care of her mom who had been hurt when they were driving home from the daycare and were hit by a drunk driver at 5:30 in the afternoon. Her mother had survived after 9 surgeries and had at least been able to walk with crutches short distances. My friend had scars from the surgeries on her back and her shoulder and her hip. She would never run track again or be able to erase the memories of her 5 year old brother who never made it out of the car. I suppose drama is all in how you look at it.

My daughter can't seem to be friends for more than a day with certain girls she knows. It's just so much work for them. Someone is always emailing someone else and saying they are so and so and that so and so doesnt like you anymore...blah blah blah. "I hate you..... I'm sorry" the emails go back and forth. My daughter reported one as spam and now wishes that she could get emails from her....*sigh* They will invite one another to go to the movies and then wait there for 3 hours and the other person doesn't show up. How is this normal? Why does this happen? Because they are too young....and care too much about whether they have someone they can refer to as their friend.....

See i'm an adult. I do the adult thing. I delete your number out of my phone. It's simple! I don't have an address book that I write things down in....I should considering I found my cell phone once at the bottom of the washing machine and somehow it had stopped saving numbers on the sim card and was saving it to the phone anyway...So if you haven't gotten a call from me in 2 years you might want to try to call! Of course if you were deleted then I just won't click "save" again :) But anyway do you think it's because i'm too old for drama....or too lazy?

I'll go with's easier to say that than I'm old (Going to be 30 in March....awww i'm ancient LOL) I try too hard sometimes to be someone's friend I think....I always seem to be making an effort then I begin to think that it's not worth it.....after all friendship shouldn't be that hard. It should just have things in comman then you figure out you like to hang out. Maybe hanging out is just being with someone! When i'm by myself on the truck and if I don't talk to my hubby sometimes I can go more than a day without having a conversation with someone.....But I can't change that....I have very few friends. Once again it goes back to drama....I meant laziness!

When hubby was gone I had a friend....we did lots of stuff together. He was great I loved spending time with him and some even teased me that I had a "fill in" without the benefits. It didn't matter if we were out at a party, a bar, the movies or just eating chinease at my house. He actually helped me rip out my vanity in my bathroom when I was remodeling!! Now a real friend will come over when you have sweat dripping down your paint covered hair and your face is streaked with dirt because you have been working on the house all day and give himself a hernia trying to pry loose a vanity from 1979!

Then he pissed me off a party...I thought he did something inappropriate had nothing to do with me really except that I didn't think he was respectful of our when you are visiting with a friend at lunch or something and they spend half their time on the cell phone while you are looking around trying to ease drop on other people because you have nothing else to do. I actually gave him a second chance...which is odd for me but I did....then he made a big deal about taking me out for my birthday.... and skipped out to help another "friend". So I was all dressed up to go out and nowhere to go....I didn't even have anyone else I could call....So I stopped calling...or I was "busy" when actually I didn't leave the house for days and even a week at a time except to the store. I had the best social life ever even if it was non existent!

So the drama was too much for me....I'm lazy remember? I'm a social retard sometimes I think LOL But that's okay....Am I saving my daughter from heartache when I tell her that friends like her's aren't worth it? Or am I forcing her to live like me....with nobody to pick her up at the airport?