4 years ago I got an engagement ring for christmas. Now this year I got a NEW ring for christmas. Since I lost my other one :( This ring is amazing!! It was the one I wanted and dearest hubby said I could have it. It was a little more than I really thought about spending but it's so pretty. 2 carats!! I'm still trying to get used to it. It's very sparkly LOL I've put a picture up of my new ring. It's the same thing except we got it in white gold not yellow gold as the picture shows. I am very lucky to have a man that loves me enough not to buy me a new ring but the kind of man that looks at me and says that I can get whatever I want....that I can be selfish for once because I never am. It has the two bands and one is the 3 stone past present and future band....I think that was very fitting for us since it's not an engagement ring and then wedding band but it represents our past that we have shared, our present that we are enjoying and of course our future.
He was so funny though because after we bought it and such he looked at me and said Okay now i'm getting a drink, you get a ring and I get an Orange Julius!!