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Thursday, December 15, 2005

My new ring

4 years ago I got an engagement ring for christmas. Now this year I got a NEW ring for christmas. Since I lost my other one :( This ring is amazing!! It was the one I wanted and dearest hubby said I could have it. It was a little more than I really thought about spending but it's so pretty. 2 carats!! I'm still trying to get used to it. It's very sparkly LOL I've put a picture up of my new ring. It's the same thing except we got it in white gold not yellow gold as the picture shows. I am very lucky to have a man that loves me enough not to buy me a new ring but the kind of man that looks at me and says that I can get whatever I want....that I can be selfish for once because I never am. It has the two bands and one is the 3 stone past present and future band....I think that was very fitting for us since it's not an engagement ring and then wedding band but it represents our past that we have shared, our present that we are enjoying and of course our future.

He was so funny though because after we bought it and such he looked at me and said Okay now i'm getting a drink, you get a ring and I get an Orange Julius!!

One Meal At a Time

I have started a diet lately. I had lost about 20 pounds or so when my dearest hubby was gone but when he came back and I was trying to feed him everything he missed and of course stress eating I gained it back...and I think a couple pounds!! So I have started a diet. It's from Readers Digest called One Change or something similiar. It's pretty simple it has a normal eating pattern and normal food but more about portion and eating healthy. Also you make one change a week. For example this week it's about I have been eating breakfasts according to the plan and you don't change anything else but that this week. Concentrate on it and eat regularly the rest of the time. So I have been VERY GOOD and of course getting much better at taking my meds so hopefully it will go well!! Next week it's I eat the same breakfasts that I have been eating but now I adjust lunch. I think it's great and really easy. Will keep you all updated since now I have my new fancy laptop, new cingular wireless connection and it's all doing good!!!

New Laptop

I thought for sure I was going to go crazy. Our laptop broke and of course was very very stressful for me. I couldn't send out an email to have a conference call for the Navy, couldn't check my email, bank account, NOTHING!!! It was horrible. So we went and bought a new laptop. That HP can be used for target practice for all I care...Well okay as soon as we get the stuff off the hard drive. It was the same problem that we had before when I replaced the motherboard which took almost a month and cost me like $600. Well hubby and I talked about it and thought it might be best to just look at getting a new laptop. So we found one at Circuit City the other day. The shipper was going to take 4-6 hours to load our trailer so we decided to go and check out the stores and see if we could find one. We did. It's pretty small but that is a good thing for what we do. It's also very light and wasn't that expensive. I like it though because it's very convient to take into the truck stops when we eat so that way we can check the emails.
When we went in and looked at them and saw the one we wanted it was a little disheartening that we were standing there and nobody was asking if they could help us. So finally I went up and found a mgr type and said I wanted to buy this laptop. I hope those other people don't work on commission. We bought the advantage plan so they will do an accidental replacement should we drop or damage or break this one. But also will fix it for 2 years free. Even replace the batteries. But when we bought it the cashier rang it up and said "how will you be paying for it?" Hubby smiled and said "Will green do?" LOL He pulled out $1200 in $20 bills. We took the money out of the ATM LOL But anyway now that I have my super little laptop I will be writing more hopefully.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Totally Committed

Okay I was driving through Fort Worth the other night and figured out one thing in life…You must be TOTALLY COMMITTED in the choices you make. Especially if one of those choices is to pull out in front of a Semi Truck who is going 55 mph and you are NOT! There was this group of 3 cars getting on the on ramp and traffic was pretty bad. Imagine Fort Worth on a Friday night at rush hour and you have my world…..Now make your car like 70 feet long! So the first car speeds up and gets in the lane in a hurry and is gone. Great I had slowed down a bit but was surrounded by cars and couldn’t move out of their way which I would normally do of course. So I slow down a bit and put on the jake brakes and the regular break to see what the Saturn was going to do. The stupid car speeds up, great wonderful I don’t care I start to back off…but wait now the driver slows down! We are quickly running out of on ramp room and this car is still trying to merge where there is no merge left and is now headed into my tire….Speed up!! The driver speeds up a little then slows back down. Well by this time (all of this is happening in like 5 seconds of course) they speed up again! I slam on my brakes the dog goes flying into the back of my seat. Hubby’s hand reaches out to the dash board and god only knows what happened to the freight I have in the trailer and I’m actually surprised that the car behind me wasn’t getting a dash full of ICC bumper. I’m cussing and trying to downshift and just thinking to myself….what an idiot!

Moral to the story….if you are going to make the choice to pull out in front of a semi truck. Be totally committed and just go for it. Don’t waste time being wishy washy about it. Do it and be done with it. I am the first one to give someone driving a car the right of way but if I give you a hole and you don’t take it when it’s available you are lucky if I give you a second chance. You will also be lucky that you aren’t seriously hurt. After all my truck takes a lot longer to stop and does a lot more damage than your plastic unibody Saturn that is for sure!

Midnight Ramblings

These last couple of weeks have gone by sooo fast it’s unbelievable. I have cards for Veterans Day that I have yet to mail. They will go out on Monday. We have crisscrossed the country, had our truck in the shop for a broken fifth wheel and are just now getting home to get the rest of our things. When we left we couldn’t fit all our stuff or “comforts” in the rental car so we had to leave some things at home…looking forward to our coffee pot and microwave! We splurged and bought a real fridge ($570) but it is SOOOOO worth it!! Unbelievably worth it!!! We are able to keep meat and salad stuff in it and it’s great to have not just cold water but frozen water. It is similar to what you would see in a camper or something. But it is great for when you are stuck at a shipper or receiver and would be sitting there for 6 hours eating out of the vending machine….I made a chef salad last time that happened. It was twice as good as the one we paid $5.99 for at the Waffle House the day before!!

We are currently in Wyoming visiting our daughter and we are under a load to Utah for Monday so we are going home tomorrow to pack up the rest of our stuff so we are ready to go on Monday. I think I will end up running some errands during the day on Monday while he goes and unloads then he can pick me up when he is done. I am working on a couple posts about some of the stuff we have seen etc but right now they aren’t ready to post yet. I need to get to bed today was very tiring. I got woken up early by hubby because we went through some bad weather between Denver and Wyoming. Wind was blowing pretty bad and had rolled over 3 semi’s in a short distance. So it was time for me to put my clothes back on and get in the front seat as well. If you are going over it’s best if you are awake and in a seat belted in than flying around in the sleeper (naked LOL). It’s getting to be that time of year though. Our choices to get to Utah were I70 (chain law which means it is very bad and no way am I slinging chains in the snow!!) or I80 (high winds, slick roads, blowing snow…did I mention HIGH WINDS!?!?) so we chose I80 and of course to see Pip’s as well! Hubby has been asleep for a few hours I think it’s time to go join him. Update laters!!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Just A Test

Just wanted to try out this blogging with Microsoft Word. Right now we are in Kingman AZ headed to California. We left Missouri yesterday late afternoon. Had hoped to deliver tonight around midnight in California but they wouldn’t take it so that means we have to hang out till the afternoon to unload which will suck because we will loose a day waiting. Need to get home to get the rest of our stuff because we didn’t take it when we took the rental to Seattle to recover a truck for the company right out of orientation. With this it’s nice because I can type the messages while I am sitting in the truck then when we get to the truckstop with the wireless I can connect and upload! Just wanted to test nothing really to say. It’s been a week and I’m already tired of truckstop food LOL

Monday, October 31, 2005

I'm Back

Okay finally we have email access again! There has been so much going on the last week it is pure crazyness! Will update more later just wanted to let everyone know we were alive and kickin it...right now we are in Missouri picking up our brandnew truck. It's dark grey very nice and fancy.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Too Little Sleep Too Many Thoughts

I can't sleep lately...NO that is not a new thing. I spent 14 months living on coffee, cigarettes and saw every infomercial they have made (I seriously needed cable!) but even now I am having issues sleeping. I toss and turn and keep waking up thinking I need to go back to sleep till it as least light outside! When hubby first came home he was the one that was sitting in bed waiting for me to wake up because it was 430 in the morning. Now i'm the one getting up trying not to wake him up.

You know, sliding down the bed so my head is halfway down and my legs are sticking out the covers, trying to turn and slide off the bed so it doesn't move now that I have finally gotten out from underneath his arm. So each morning it's this prized move where you almost want to do a big cheer because you have now contorted your body and used every muscle to steady yourself as you perform some 13 year old's gymnastic move! And you turn around and see them laying there...still asleep and try to sneak out of the room.

Too much to do and not enough time I suppose! I have to do emails this morning. I have to come up with an agenda for a conference call next Saturday. I struggle with this because each time I try to talk about certain things SOMEONE (i'm not going to name names here!) thinks that we should take it slowly and concentrate on doing nothing and "figuring out the future of the ombudsman program" and not move forward in it. I have great ideas and such about presentations to give every other month to the detachments, newsletter, email lists etc. But no i'm met with someone's idea of "military planning" and instead we spend our time trying to figure out how we are going to figure out what we are going to do....seems like a waste of time for me! And he interrupts me as well! Like i'm giving people too much to think about! I don't need 8 planning meetings to get this program rolling, that's why they put me in the position that they did!

Oh well i'm complaining! Hubby is up...appears he knew I was gone because my shadow (my little min pin) got out of bed and she's not as sneaky as I am trying to get out from underneath the covers! It's off to emailing!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

On the Road Again

It's official...I'm once again a long haul truck driver...Scarey huh? Not that scarey, no sweat pants and flip flops for me though. Okay maybe the flip flops but I'm a girl and I can wear flip flops. Besides how else to show off my pedicure right? Monday we start orientation and by this time next week we will have our new truck. It took some footwork since the company didn't want to give my hubby any credit for the driving he did in Iraq/Kuwait but we got that all taken care of (Thank you MasterChief!! )They wanted to put us in seperate trucks for 20,000 miles (which correlates to about 4 weeks or 5) and I was like...Yeah F#&%ing right! So after convincing them I was right and they were wrong (It's a gift!) We are going to be leasing our own truck.

I'm ready...I guess...sound confident don't I? I'm a little scared because I have gotten so used to my "life" here and now it's being turned upside down...I had a schedule, routines (no matter how boring) and a simple go to the grocery store kind of it's going to be different. Can't wait though I like to think of it as an adventure. Will be posting from the road and you can read all about my "adventures".

Going on the SouthBeach diet too so hopefully that goes well. I got hubby to keep me motivated now...and to get lots of "exercise...or did I say sexercise" in LOL

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Marsha Marsha Marsha!

My hubby and I were having a funny conversation with our friends Saturday night about the Brady Bunch episode where Marsha gets hit in the face with the football as she gets ready for the big school dance....we laughed and laughed! Gotta love old TV reruns!

So life has a funny way of turning the tables on you...about a month ago or less I bought a new dress for The Navy Ball which is a formal event held every year. It's a great time...dinner, dancing, drinking with a bunch of sailors! But I get a new dress each year...So $150 for the dress, $85 for some fancy jewelry to go with it, $70 for hair touch up and an up do, $40 for a manicure/pedicure, $80 for a hotel room, $20 for dry cleaning a uniform, $50 to get the ribbons and such for hubby's uniform that he got since he wore it last, $40 for the tickets (thankfully I have shoes allready...many pairs to chose from actually LOL) I'm ready to go the ball and be as beautiful as ever....WOW when you spell it out like that it seems like a lot of money for a dry beef dinner and some cake and a DJ that always plays the "chicken dance"!

Well the drama begins....Monday we were helping my mom renovate the new barn/corral she bought at the city corrals in Wyoming....when I went to get some screws for my hubby who was hanging boards on the inside of the stall...I was walking towards him and I have NO idea what happened but next thing I know i'm a deer in headlights with a 2x4 headed towards my face!! BAM!! Quicker than you would believe the thing was timed perfectly because it did not hit me on my head or miss me by an inch...The end of it scraped down my forehead and hit me on my nose!! Well I covered my face as tears sprang to my eyes and I kept saying I'm okay I'm okay! Hubby was crowding all around me because he was scared he would pull my hands back and see a bloody eye area because he thought it hit me in my eye...I was crying (it hurt like hell!) and saying I'm okay but is it bad?!? Because we have the Ball!! Mom felt bad, hubby felt bad, Pip's felt bad and I had a bitch of a headache!

Thankfully not much swelling on my nose, no black and blue marks just some big scabs on my forehead and nose. It hurts pretty bad still like there is a bruise there but no visible signs of any. After i recovered and could laugh about it hubby and we had a good laugh when we said "Marsha Marsha Marsha!"

We've had a good time thinking of funny one liners to tell people when they ask what happened to my face....But actually people have been pretty funny...they see it, but don't ask about it rather pretend it's not there like when you have something sticking out of your nose and nobody wants to be the one to point it out...But then when I say something about it they are always "OOOHHHH that is what happened! I was wondering!" Hubby thought we wouldn't get pictures this year since I have "scaby face" as i call it...I am thinking how else will I be able to hold it over his head in 20 years that 4 after getting back from Iraq/Kuwait he hit me in the face with a 2x4!! I want proof!!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Living Alone

Over the past 14 months I have adjusted to living alone...I have lived alone before so it wasn't so hard. Except this house is big! My bed is big! My couch is big! I began to think about the things I have done to make it seem less big. The downstairs has been turned into storage, a huge family room, bedroom and full bath resigned to holding old toys, clothes, paperwork and boxes of things that I refuse to throw out but still don't want cluttering up my life! My daughter moved up to my mother's back in February/March so since then it has just been me and the dog and cat. The dog has her cushion on the couch, the cat had hers and I had mine. It's a huge wrap around couch so there was a lot of couch that the cushions still look new! I guess about April or so I began to sleep on the couch rather than my bed, it was smaller and actually more comfortable than the awful old mattress we have on our bed!

When I get my dinner now and go to the living room to eat i'm a little surprised when there is someone else sitting there! My dearest hubby has chosen that cushion to sit's a little odd and now I am trying to adjust sitting somewhere else but old habits are hard to break (If they weren't I wouldn't be smoking now would I?) When I take my shower it's never been a big deal if I used all the hot it is cause I feel bad as I see him getting into a shower with cold water! I like to make Cinnamon Bun coffee..he likes Folgers so I made two pots.

I think it really hit me that someone was living with me again on his first full day here when I fell asleep and when I woke up I thought I would go grab some of the wonderful cheeseball that was in the fridge and some triscuit's and have me a snack...after all I left it some of it the night before. SURPRISE! While I was asleep someone had eaten my cheeseball! I feel kinda like Goldilocks and the three little bears "Someone has been eating my porridge"! But I guess if coffee and cheeseball is the only real things I have to get over I would gladly do that and so much more to have him home!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

My Seabee Is Home

I'm leaving for the airport in 30 minutes to go pick up my honey who is coming home tonight! WOOHOO! I wanted to buy him something like a cake or something...but of course he doesn't like cake. So I bought a peach pie (his favorite) and the lady at the Bakery decorated it with "Welcome Home" ! He's going to look at me and say "You are silly lady!" Might have noticed that I have changed the title of the blog. I figured it was more fitting since a lot of what is going to be written about will be not just about me and my life but our life again together. He thought it sounded good because "I'm a Seabee and you're my angel" Well yeah! Might be a little scarce for the next few days but will write again soon!

Making Changes

For those that know me well, you know I get bored easily. So I was bored with the template so I am currently in the process of self teaching myself to make it better. I will be updating the page to better suit my own wants and it will be ever changing from now on!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Viet Nam War Memorial

~~~~His body is Weak~~~~
By An Angel
His body is weak, his hair is now thin,
He once did a job all the crowds called a sin.
Volunteering he stood filled with pride and with honor,
We sent him to war, not once did he falter.
Courage and heartache earned him the medal they pinned to his chest,
As this brave young warrior was put to the test.
I ordered men to be killed as my own soldiers died,
A mission accomplished, he said with a sigh.
A welcome home not once would he ever receive,
His future we held in our hands you and me.
How could we hate this man for what he had done,
We told him to do it, we gave him the gun.
His face has been weathered by years of regret,
His eyes filled with images he'd rather forget.
With thoughts in his heart for those that gave all,
He took a long trip to a place called The Wall.
With bowed head and heavy heart he stood and he cried,
His sorrow and pain I saw, my heart hypnotized.
He weeps for the names of the men he once knew,
And the part of his life that is lost for him too.
For once this fine man should not cry alone,
I reach out my hand and I welcome him home.
I've come here today to show my respect,
To the brave men and women, our Viet Nam War Vets.
To the ones that are lonely, homeless or hungry,
It's you that we honor you fought for your country.
You came back to a world that was changing so fast,
Struggling to move on and forgetting the past.
Your sacrifice will not be lost to us once again,
We know what you did and it wasn't was sin.
It was us that were wrong and showed you dishonor,
You were once our young brothers, our husbands and fathers.
Those medals you earned fighting far from your home,
Was our way of thanks for the bravery you'd shown.
Wear them with pride like your heart on your chest,
To let us all know so we'll never forget

I wrote this poem for all the veterans although some of the thoughts are from friends that I have that served during that time. I have always had a special place in my heart for these vets. So going to the Viet Nam Memorial was very poignant moment for me. I told a friend of mine about the experience and I will relay some of it here as well. As you walk past the vendor's selling patches and pins you come onto the book with all the names and locations in it that you can look in. It's a massive book....then you look down the expanse of the sleek black granite and you see the names begin in chronological order.You see people walking around you but nobody is really talking...there are some parents explaining to their young children why it is important that they be here....You see the Veterans with wives and some visiting alone....I don't have family that is listed here so the names aren't a part of my past in that sense but they are my history as they are all of our history. I slowly walk along the pathway pausing to look at the items that have been left. Small flags, flower petals are visible in some areas, poems, hats & pins and everything else. I pause and look at the names...seeing them and imagining their faces.

Random names pop out in my mind and soon I begin to realize that I am not just walking alongside the wall but i've reached out my hand and as I move it runs along the names...feeling the outlines of them as I walk slowly and each time my fingertip dips into a groove I know that it's a personal sacrifice that someone made, that a family made and that our country made. I look around and notice i'm not the only one. Without thought people reach out, touching and gathering the emotions from their hands. I'm not sure if they have realized they are doing it as I had not at the beginning. Their fingers slide along the granite as they walk. I stand in front of the last name...they are in order of death and think to myself if it had ended an hour sooner, a day sooner or even 5 minutes sooner what names wouldn't be here?

For the ones that made it back who I know and have spent time with I am honored to know them rather than just know them as a name etched in stone.


Okay the pictures are on the other blog... Flat Angel you can see them there...I have tons more but will post them as they strike me if I like them.....Hope you all enjoy the pictures!

History I Miss Out On

Well I figured I would post some of my thoughts on Washington DC as I have a bit of time at the moment...Of course I should be doing something about my messy house but no let's sit at the computer some more! LOL

I think one of the most interesting things about being there for me being from the West was the fact that there is so much history there. I get this feeling whenever I go to the east and I drive by some of the towns and buildings because out west if it's been around since the mid 1800's it's history for us. I went to the Smithsonian Museum of American History and they have an exhibit there about ONE house and the all the different families that have lived there for the past 250 years. It was amazing...there were revoluntinists, slaves, abolitionists, WWII wife and the list goes on and on...And I was reading the information on how to research your OWN house's history and find out who lived there before you and how look around my own house and think... well my mother and father in law built it so there's not much research I need to do except call them up on my cell phone! So you don't get the rich history of the lives that came before you here.

To look at a house and imagine past presidents, congressman and influential people that have really molded our past sitting on the porches smoking, drinking tea or an after dinner drink discussing politics and shaping our great nation. It's just amazing....

Here I look at saloons where a bandit had a last shot of whisky before robbing the stage coach! Go figure...welcome to the Wild Wild West!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

A New Reader

Okay forgot to tell you all that while I was gone my hubby got back to the USA and is now currently at the Seabee Base in California awaiting completion of his Demob stuff. Hope to have him back here Thursday or Friday at the latest. WOOHOOO!!!!! But since I've been telling him that I have been writing things here but he was unable to read it before due to security on his computer there but since he is now in Cali and can access it he is now a new reader! He asked me last night to send him the address so he could read it...hmmm hope I only said good things about him before *wink*.

Honey I'm home!

Okay I am officially back from my vacation that I went on last Wednesday to Washington DC. Was suppose to be back on Sunday night but it was raining in Chicago and so our plane was grounded in Baltimore for 2 hours waiting for the O'Hare to give the "wheels up okay". And of course when we got there at 9:30 pm we had missed our connecting flight which left as soon as they lifted the traffic ban for planes near their scheduled time of 8:05 pm. So we had no clothes and had to stay in a hotel because the first flight out they could get us on was at 3:15 the following day! So I made it home in one piece last night...still have to go pick up the dog at the kennel and unpack at this point.

I'm headed to pick up the dog, develope some pics for my daughter to take to school and have to drop by the reserve center...apparently they owe ME money from my trip to San Diego and need my checking account information. Now if only they would pay the $1800 or so that they owe my hubby we will be set! Mine is only maybe $50! Dinner and a movie LOL

Check back tommarrow most likely for stuff on my trip that I'll post....Going to write something tonight.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

New Video

**Okay I have moved the video to the top for now...just to showcase it a bit more. **

Okay I have posted a new video at the bottom of the tribute to my wonderful loving hubby who is right now flying above the world somewhere on his way home. Well close to home anyway! He will be at his demob site for a few days...and says that because it's my fault that I'm going to Washington instead of visiting him there he has to stay at one of the single guy's beachfront house on his 4 day leave....oh I bet twisting that arm hurts doesn't it honey? He's planning on getting another tattoo while he is there...Something to do with the Seabee's but he hasn't decided yet...I told him he deserved it....I deserve another one too but it took too long to decide on the one I got on my lower back I would hate to see how long it takes to figure out the next one!

I made this video as a tribute to him....when I get back from my trip on Sunday I will post the other one that I made for him of pictures of us. A few of the pictures on this video are from Desert Storm and you can tell because the quality is not as good! He is my American Soldier and the love of my life! 14 months has been a long time but then again it's just like yesterday that he left....I can't wait till he gets back home in a couple weeks....

Angry Angel

That is what I am today! A spitting mad angry angel! I'm so furious and sick to my stomach to live where I do! I've held my tongue for quite awhile but NO LONGER WILL I STAND BY AND KEEP QUIET!! I am so embarrassed to be a citizen of this city that I could rent a Uhaul today and leave. THIS started it over a month ago.....and THIS ended it for me this weekend. This is our MAYOR who uses GOVERNMENT EMAIL to send out a cry for protests! An ELECTED OFFICIAL who chooses to make his views not only known but publicily denounce our government and support anti war protestors. The first time was just sad considering that the VFW National convention was going on and he actually made a SPEECH at it after leaving the protest site. With so much of our local National Guard gone and Hill AFB just a short drive away he might as well have spit on the families that are left behind. I guarantee that when I get back I will send off the letters to the editorial pages and begin to visit the protest sites here locally to voice my own opinion. I myself feel that he should relieved of his duties after publicily embarrassing us the first time with the National Media reporting on the fact that OUR PRESIDENT was here and OUR MAYOR called for a protest. Not only did he visit the protest but he ORGANIZED it! Sickens me! Rocky Anderson I have one thing to say to you...Hit the Road Rocky!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Something Interesting To Say

Okay I haven't been on for a bit...trying to come up with something interesting, intellectual, fascinating or some other great word to say....Haven't had much luck!

Thought our pay problem was is not. They issued us a check for $1300 which isn't even the amount that they took from us last month! So we are still working on that. Good news though....

Hubby might be back in the country within a week! Wish I could go and see him, he is going to travel to the same place he left out of but he will be flying in the day before I fly to Washington DC but luckily he will be doing the demob process till at least after i get back home. I was afraid he might be the one coming to get ME at the airport! This would be 2 weeks earlier than he thought....which is great. I have odd feelings about this but may decide to explain later on...for now i'm still sorting through my mind. As you can see still not thinking of anything that is interesting to say!

Had surgery. All went was scheduled for 10:30 am they told me to be there at 9:30 am. FINALLY around 11 am they come in and give me an IV after I have been undressed wearing a "shower cap" and a hospital gown for 1 1/2 and say "Did the nurse tell you she made a mistake when she scheduled the surgeries?" Umm no...what's that mean? "Well right now there are still 2 people in front of you and they have surgeries lasting 1 1/2 hours....She accidently only gave 30 minutes for each surgery rather than 1 1/2 hours." Okay great news (insert sarcastic rolling of eyes here)...not good when they ask if you would like a book and they bring you a NOVEL...I said no I want some onion rings I haven't eaten for 14 hours! LOL Finally went in at 2, in recovery at 3:30 and out of the hospital on my way home by 4:30. Got my prescriptions, heating pad, some KFC (rootbeer float and a biscuit after 19 hours of not eating is good for the soul! ) and was headed home to sleep!

Woman next to me in recovery was a bit mentally when she woke up she was crying and screaming for her "mommy and chicken soup" (She looked to be about 40) . I asked the nurse if I said anything crazy or embarrassing when I woke up..she said no I was fine. Very groggy barely out of the anesthia and the DR comes by and asks if I have any questions...I carefully remove my oxygen mask and say "Yes when can I have sex again?" LOL Told hubby he probably thinks i'm some nympho or something...Hubby said in a very calm voice..."Well that is a very good question to ask honey I'm happy that you thought of how long did he say? Cause I will be home soon!" <---pervert! LOL I know that 14 months in the sand will do that to you...okay I lie he was like that before! It's only gotten progressively worse!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

One Less Stressor

Yay! The important people have helped us with our pay problem...according to EQCM we will be getting a supplement check with the amount that they so quickly and WRONGLY took out of my hubby's checks over the last two months....we will know by Friday when and how much exactly but if i've done my calculations correctly it should be about $2700 dollars! Finally I can pay ALL the bills now and breathe a sigh of relief! So things are looking up...Hubby sent me this picture and I thought it was really neat looking with the sunset behind him.....He has no idea when it was taken or by who but he got it and thought he would share...He's dirty, sandy, sunburnt and silly but he's mine! He's the one with the radio and pistol.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Quarter Life Crisis

I'm going through a 1/4 life crisis...have been for probably 8 months or so...I had all these dreams when I was little about what I was going to do when I grew up...well actually ONE dream I was going to be a lawyer, since the time I was 4 my mom said and it never waivered...Well I got pregnant in high school, graduated and started college--Pre law with a double minor in speech communications and ecology. I was going to save the world! Be an environmental lawyer...I love it...I was a champion debater in high school (Yes i have trophies to prove it LOL ) But I had to make a choice a year later....stay in an abusive relationship or run as fast as I could and quit school to take care of my daughter and I. I chose our life and happiness and put my dream on the back burner.

I always thought I would get back to it...then months turned into years...and soon I had a 6 year old who needed clothes and food and so I looked at her and knew that I couldn't put her life on hold to follow my dream...I had to get a job that paid well and keep plugging along at life. Soon I was looking at my dream--realizing that I was soon to be VERY OLD (okay 27 LOL) and so I began to add up the time for a bachelor's degree, law school, being a nobody at a law firm and finally making money at what...40 plus?!? For those in those age ranges I mean no offense...But it is an awfully long time to be poor and then finally make money when it's almost time to retire!

So everything else has just been a space filler...something to give me a paycheck but it's not what is in my heart! I have had dreams....being a nurse, a realtor, truck driver (LOL Still going to do that but that's okay !), Insurance Estimator (did that for years) Horse Trainer (Okay seriously that is a dream LOL) but nothing that compares to my dream of being a lawyer. I LOVE college. I really do...everything about it! I was my most happiest in life while in school... So I think I decided what to do when I grow up (yay only 28 going on 29 now!)

Tommarrow I am sending requests for my transcripts and see where I stand...hell it's been too long I blocked it all out of my memory on what classes I have taken for sure LOL Then I am going to compare it to a list of general education and other requirements for a couple schools that I have chosen...Then buy a book for CLEP exams. I know I can test out of some...I have done entirely too well in school and on my ACT's that I took so many lonnnnnggggg years ago not to...And i've only become more educated as life has thrown me into so many different careers. And concentrate on doing that and then put in an application. Maybe a few online courses in the next year...Will need to save up some money before I can do that and hubby needs to finish getting his Associates degree otherwise he won't make Chief when he is eligible here soon and that is important and on more of a timeline...

But that is what I'm going to do...I've been successful in every job I've ever had...promotions have always come to me based on merit because i'm just that over achiever type of person. Will being a lawyer still be what is in my heart in a few years? Possibly...but there is time I have decided...lots and lots of time...I'm not that old...and I have a husband that supports me in whatever I do. So we shall see!

I got things to do honestly why am I here?

Okay seriously I need to stay off the computer and stop reading blogs and start writing my speech for Saturday! I have to give a briefing on pre Mobilization family rediness to the entire Reserve Center. I'm not worried about public speaking or anything...but nobody has given me a guideline on what to talk about...So I had a long talk with the Commander today (about a lot of things) and he and I talked about a couple things. But i'm thinking i'm going to be wingin it !

Tommarrow I am calling the Air Force clinic near here. They really upset me on Friday and for the past 2 weeks. Not going to get into it but it's just their being inconsiderate. If you aren't in the AF then you dont' mean shit to them and they will let you know! I think the real problem with Military Clinics is that the doctor's there don't give a crap....You aren't a customer, they don't need to treat you good or have good service because what does it matter if you don't go there? That they see one less patient but still get paid the same amount of money! You being treated so badly by them and talked to so rudely that you are in tears when you get through or being strung along to get medicine that they themselves have said you need due to the test results that they ordered doesn't make one bit of difference...they will still get check on the 1st and the 15th. Well im' going to be one of many who stand up and say "Your clinic is awful!"

There's nothing that makes them strive for good service, no reward for keeping their patients. So in the meantime you just have to buck it up and go there or else nothing...I mean it is seriously ridiculous! The commander told me to call them and talk to their customer complaint department. I am going to and be very professional and explain to them that given my position as ombudsman for the reserve center how I will have to honestly tell the reserve families when they call me and ask how the service is at Hill that they suck!

Great just one more thing to write down tonight...hmmmmm I do much better under pressure maybe I will wait till Friday night to write my notes for my speech!

Monday, September 12, 2005


Okay well I didn't post anything yesterday...slept for most of the day but I got that situation worked out hopefully so I will have more energy soon *YAY!*

Hubby is no longer flying into Gulfport he is now going to be headed to Florida. Would like to be able to afford to fly there and spend 4 days hanging out in Florida with him but due to the Navy messing up his pay for the past 6 weeks I doubt we will have the money for that. Although we are working on it and have made it quite an issue so now we got the "big ones" involved. Next step is Congressman ! Although I mentioned that (people jump when you say that LOL) but I am trying to follow the chain and get it squared away within the military system. So hope to see something happen in the next couple of days.

Wanted to buy him one of those tshirts and send it to him so he could wear it home..."Happiness is Iraq in my rearview mirror" but that will only happen if we get money in the next couple of days otherwise it won't make it in time.

391 days...seems like forever and yet seems like yesterday at the same time he's been gone. 3.28 weeks according to his countdown clock last night. I have been here before....told him we got down to 2.23 weeks last time and started back at 6 months! He said "Nope definately coming home this time you can count on it!" Well not much to say for now will visit again later tonight.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

9/11 Recruit Story aka Our Love Story

I read an article on CNN the other day about people enlisting after 9/11 and began to think about my OWN recruitment story. I did not enlist in the armed forces as a member and of course my husband had already served as an Army Combat Engineer and was a member of the Navy Seabees allready. I was enlisted as a military spouse. This is our love story told from my perspective, I don't know what was in his mind because if you knew my hubby then you would know he's not as open as you would hope....but something happened during that time which in a way changed everything and maybe one day he will tell me his side of the story...

I remember where I was when it happened, right out of O.W's War of the worlds...I had dropped off my daughter and just gotten in the car and turned on the radio and it was 7:30 local time and I was on my way to work. I don't need to tell you there was no work to be done that day...nobody called...nobody came in. The ones that did, stayed and watched the TV my boss had ran home to get rather than asked about their cars. It didn't seem important anymore. Day turned into night and it still didn't seem husband and I talked about things and it wasn't long before he got the phone call I remember picking up the phone and they said "This is XXX from the Reserve Center is Petty Officer XXX there?"....Make sure your bag is packed and you can be reached at all times, you've been put on alert.

The phone calls started from family and friends because they all wanted to know if he would be called up....and of course my husband being the calm person he is told people "Stop f*^%ing asking me I will know when i'm headed out if something is going on! Until I have orders to go I'm not going!" I must admit I was one of those people but he likes to sleep with me so he didn't get that mean with me! Let me give you a bit of background....

We met in the fall of 1997. Wow seems like a long time when I say it like that! I was 20 (course he thought I was 21 but that is another story!) and he was just out of the Army. We began dating and for years ahead we faced challenges that almost broke our spirit in each other. We broke up, dated other people but always came back to each other realizing that we were meant to be. But he was always insistant he would NEVER get married again (after 2 marriages he was done...a high school sweetheart who left him while in Korea for 2 years and an awful woman who tried to take his spirit as well as his son) I accepted the fact that for NOW I would be a girlfriend....didn't mean I didn't love him or he didn't love me but that was what it was going to be. We lived our life like we were married the committment was there but I had told him that one day it wouldn't be enough for day I would wake up and realize I was some 40 year old girlfriend and want more. But we went on until 2001 that way. He went to drill weekend that first time a week afterwards....and he came home.

I remember he was sitting on the couch and I was in the kitchen and asked him

"Did they tell you anything at drill? Are you going anywhere?" I was met with I said "Honey!" (little louder this time) and asked again...silence....So i decided it was time for me to come out of the kitchen and he was sitting there still...So I asked again (can't say i'm not persistant) and looking straight ahead still wearing his uniform with a look on his face I hadn't seen before he said...

"What would you do?"

"What do you mean what would I do?"

"What would you do!" (looking at me now as I stand there holding the dishtowel)

"Once again what do you mean what would I do?"

"What the f*ck would you do if I was called away for a year or longer?!?" (so now i get a little angry that he is yelling and me and how dare he ask me such a stupid question!)

"I wouldn't do ANYTHING!" ( I have no idea exactly what he is talking about... I mean what kind of question is "What would you do?" but I figured that answer is the best I can come up with right now)

" You would do would'd go back to Wyoming with your mother!! You wouldn't stay because we're not married and there is no reason for you to stay!!" (oh no he did not just say that! And yelling at me to boot?)

"You are right I would do something! (now i'm pissy) I would do wanna know what?!? (shaking the dishtowel at him) I would get up in the morning, get my daughter ready for school, take her to daycare, go to work, pick her up from daycare, come home, make dinner, give her a bath, go to bed, and then you know what I would do the next day? (hands on my hips) I would wake up, get her ready for school, take her to daycare...Do you see where i'm going with this? HOW DARE YOU! say that I would just take off and that there is NO COMMITTMENT here just because we aren't married...I moved here for YOU! I have a job here, a house, a life here because YOU are here. You are the one saying that "it's just a piece of paper that we are committed" I made a committment long ago to you and if there is no such committment on your side then yeah I might as well leave if that's what you are saying to me"

He left the room ...

A week later he wanted to go with me to the mall (mind you christmas shopping season was begining and he HATES the mall...I'm not sure he has even been but maybe once or twice since then) to get something for my cell phone and he said he wanted to walk around a bit we finally made our way back to where we started to the jewelry store (next to the cell phone place). And he walked up the wedding ring section (You know the salespeople pounce on you when you walk over there) and he said "I like that one...You know you are picking out your christmas present dont' you?" I told him "Yeah but you know you still have to ask me don't you?"

So that is our love story...and my 9/11 recruitment story as a military spouse...It wasn't a sense of patriotism or pride that made this happen because of 9/11....maybe it was his fear of losing something he cared about BECAUSE of his patriotism and pride and love for his country...he knew at some point he would go. He volunteered to go back then and everyday since then. I tease him that he just wanted to make sure I could use the commissary when he was gone if he went...But I wonder if he feared me leaving or if it was in that moment that he realized that I really did love him and he actually realized that he loved me that it wasn't just something for the now but something something for the future.

He left over a year ago...and I have been through a lot here at home because he's not here but knowing that he loves me and his letters telling me that it would be hell over there knowing that if I wasn't at home for him writing him letters, sending him packages and supporting him in everything that he does makes me happy to have been recruited as a military spouse and never having a bit of regret that I signed the dotted line and I will re-up as long as we live.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

I need a remote control

Okay I forget yesterday as I was stuck on the couch with a heating pad on my neck (don't ask) I figured out I needed a remote control. I couldnt' move because it hurt when I did so I laid there for 2 hours watching UPN (some backwards fox channel as far as I can tell) and I watched commercials for Dermo Max some manly creme-funny commercial not like ha ha funny but really odd funny like I didn't think someone actually paid for a producer to make it. And then watched this show Cheaters seriously like some America's most wanted type show with low deep voices of the announcers, surveillance cameras taken by their "elite private investagators" and people having sex in cars in parking lots and even one guy who got out of the car naked with a shirt on his front to throw out a drink in the trash can a good 40 feet away from the car he was being taped in having sex with someone who WASN'T his girlfriend. Seriously who does that? He even took a big drink before he tossed it in the trash...Anyway it's a comical show to watch..sad but comical at the same time...But i really need to get a remote control!

Today's Thoughts

Today is an odd day for me....

Smelled cut grass all day...maybe it's a hint that I should cut mine. Front lawn is long..Back lawn is a jungle but the cat and dog have fun in it.

Got my last shot before the surgery on the 20th. My butt hurts and they were freaking out about the account balance because Tricare hasn't paid. Convinced them not to worry.

Took a nap-5 hours. Great now i'm up all night.

Watched things today...I mean really watched them. Sat at the backwindow and watched the cat hunting a mouse-she found her prey. Watched people walk down the street. Watched the man across the street nailing shingles to a roof and can hear the sound of his nail gun tapping through the noise.

Picked up garbage around the house and cleaned out the fridge-Needed to be done last week but haven't felt like it...

Did nothing all day long and feel like I did nothing-going for a walk later has been an odd day.

My Newest Engineer

Okay I came across a blog that was talking about adopting a group of 500 Combat Engineers to be adopted. This is being ran by a wonderful woman named PJ ( to email her click here) Please visit the and keep up with the wonderful efforts of this adventure adopting out the 150th Engineer Battalion. She is still short on her goal of having everyone of them adopted but definately on her way! I of course adoped one and have sent my first letter out to him and waiting on dearly beloved DFAS to get their head straight so I can send a package! Sorry even my adopted "boys" don't get a package if my hubby doesn't and until then I don't have the funds to get them anything!

I will keep updated on what goes on with my newest adoption. I have other soldiers and veterans adopted through the Angel's N Camouflage organization that I have been a part of for quite awhile. I have linked both of these under my links section. I encourage you to play a part in making sure that the soldiers/sailors/marines know they are thought of back home. If it's just a postcard or a thank you. Please show your support and send SOMETHING to our deployed and wounded letting them know we are behind them 100% and their families as they are away from their families or recovering.

Engineers are very close to my heart as my husband was in the Army as a Combat Engineer for 8 years prior to his enlistment in the Seabees. 2nd, 5th, and 10th Engineer Battalions for him! When he went to Desert Storm he was in the Army.

United Airlines sucks!

Okay little strong wording but hey it's true! Okay I just came across this article and it just reminded me how much they ticked me off! I had posted before that I was scheduled to fly into NOLA (okay we all know that isn't happening but keep readin) but I had called United because I am actually going to be in Washington DC from September 28th-Oct 2nd and have a flight going out of Baltimore back to Utah. This cost us $381.00 roundtrip from Utah to Baltimore. So I contacted United to see how much more it would cost for me to change my return flight originating from Baltimore to New Orleans but flying out of New Orleans on the 10th of October instead....the woman on the phone said it would take her a moment to check it out. So I decided to tell her WHY I was looking to change my flight. I let her know that I had gotten information that my husband would be flying out of Kuwait back home within a couple days of me flying back to Utah and so I figured I would just stay on the east coast and fly back with him or at least around the time he came back and we could take 4 days leave visiting the area since he has been gone for 14 months in IRAQ! SOOOO she came back with an answer for would require almost $700 EXTRA on top of the $381 to change the flight that way....Ummm okay so I'm changing departure cities (which NOLA is actually cheaper to fly in and out of on any carrier including United than Baltimore according to the searches I had done on airfare before scheduling my trip to Washington) and I was going to change it to a later date which normally makes it cheaper...Silly me thought they might want to help me out since I am FINALLY getting my husband back. But according to this article it says that they will offer discounts to military families...hmmmm funny....

Cost of my plane ticket from Utah to NOLA on October 4th returning on October 10th????!!! The suspense is killing you....$241.00 Thank you Delta! Now I know at this point it doesn't make a difference but that article just brought it all back up to the surface...sorry had to go off!

I wrote them an email asking for an explanation as to WHY they would say they are offering a discount to military families/members but not when they have to change an existing flight when we all know how much notice you normally get for sure as to when they are coming home... still waiting to hear for sure whether they will actually take them to Gulport or fly them somewhere else for their debriefing like Port Hueneme. Guarantee though United won't be getting my money!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Wow I am beginning to think it's the same NOLA and Iraq....

Intimidation, attacks take toll on contractors in Iraq <-these are the Iraqi contractors being trained by our military to rebuild their own country being killed by their own "citizen" (that term is meant very loosely there) hmmm where have we seen that happen before...citizens needing a strong infrastructure again and yet certain people not allowing that to happen.... You can see my post earlier regarding the attacks on our Army Corp of Engineers the other day there in NOLA....hmmmm odd dont' you think?

Okay i'm done let's get back to Iraq....The cost of security to protect these contractors (wait let's call them....useful citizens for now) is seriously eating into the budget for the if didn't have to use 5 billion dollars to train and equipt the Iraqi Police (who by the way their own "people" <---insurgents are killing and attacking their families) then we could get a lot more done...but i'm sure it's not right to attack those "poor people" who chose to murder, intimidate and harm the contractors who are only trying to make a free Iraq a better place to live for their own families as well as others....I mean after all we are the monsters right?!?

""He goes to sites, handing out workers a letter saying, 'I know where you
live, and I'll kill you and your family,' " McCoy said. "He's out there kidnapping and killing these people." (speaking of Abu Bakr, who leads a splinter cell of al-Qaeda in Iraq)

I'm sure he's a very nice man on the inside who only wants a peaceful end to all this...and if we weren't there he would not be doing that...Good thing i'm not so jaded and I can think optimistically! (okay i really almost spit my ice cream that time I swear!)

A Confession?

I'm not going to say much about this but hey it's got to be mentioned...I think there were three things to the article that really hit home and made an impression on me...

  1. That they think it might be a ploy to simply sway public opinion about whether or not he "commited a crime"? "Is this the fabrication of Talabani or what? Let's not have a trial on TV. Let the court of law, not the media, make its ruling on this," Alani said. Okay seriously since when has the court of law or legal issues ever come into play there for a very long time? Oh wait...everything was decided by law there...just like the elections too bad they were all ran by ONE person!
  2. This scares me the most..."The perception that Saddam was being convicted before a trial could add the Sunni anger." This could have dire consequences for our forces over there as the Sunni make up the majority and stronghold within the insurgency...this could spell danger and an uproar amongst the fighting that they are experiencing there...this could definatly be worse than the riots caused by Newsweeks' Koran Scandal earlier this year. I just hope that if this is a ploy it doesn't have an affect on our men and women in uniform (fighting the fight that is just and right)
  3. "Saddam's legal team said it plans to challenge the starting date as allowing insufficient time for a proper defense. Defense lawyers also said they would challenge the trial's legitimacy." Now this one just made me laugh outloud and almost spit Banana Split Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream across my monitor...Ummmmm let's see he's been in custody since December 2003....two years?!? Two years isn't enough time...and PLEASE I think questioning the legitimacy is like the pot calling the kettle black dont' you think?

Monday, September 05, 2005

Where are we again?

Okay just wondering where we are again...because i'm sorry does this sound like america? Do we need to send armored personnel with every contractor and relief worker out there? Apparently we need to follow the rules that our military has set forth in Iraq....

NEW ORLEANS - Police shot and killed at least five people Sunday after gunmen opened fire on a group of contractors traveling across a bridge on their way to make repairs, authorities said. -ap

What about our apache's backing up the blackhawks and other aid workers in the sky? Apparently if we are shooting at them we need them!

Besides the lawlessness, civilian deaths and uncertainty about their families, New Orleans' police have had to deal with suicides in their ranks. Two officers took their lives, including the department spokesman, Paul Accardo, who died Saturday, according to Riley. Both shot themselves in the head, he said. Sad.....very very sad...

I only have one question as I watch the coverage and some of the people there...I understand the sick, the old, the children, and even the many people that are so overweight that they can't move by themselves...but I see men and women in their 20's and 30's that are honestly in better shape than myself...WHY DID THEY NOT WALK OUT? I don't care if I had to SWIM out I would have left...shown up at someone's house once I got to a safe place that wasn't affected and said "Please get me some help" why just sit there and WAIT for someone to come and give you food and shelter and water? I just really don't understand and have heard the same echoed from other people....Why did they not just walk out....leave...they had DAYS and DAYS to evacuate...I'm sure that if someone was walking out someone else with a car would have given them a ride...I would have put a backpack on and left by foot, bicycle anything to get out of there! I would have ridden a Hotwheel of my child if I thought it could get me someplace safe. I will never understand it....I guess I haven't gotten to the point when I will sit back and wait for the govt to hand me assistance and rescue.....I would have found it myself.

The evac of the people left there needs to have order...otherwise what do you have when you move a large group of people to a spot to evac them and there is no order in it but you just make a mass exodus? You get the SuperDome or the Convention Center and we saw how well that worked....I'm sorry to see everything that is going on but it has to be an organized effort.


With everything that is going on in the world I thought I would bring up this organization...It is a non profit organization founded by a man who suffered due to the Vietnam war and wrote a book about his experiences for his children and has now started this site in hopes to help those affected by events and suffereing from PTSD. It is an organization ran by volunteers that many are PTSD survivors themselves. I think it would be a great place for information, referral and a listening ear for those that need it...

(This is their mission statement)

The mission of the PTSD Alliance is to support
PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) survivors by advocating for their rights in the American society; finding assistance for them through public and private resources; and to educate the public on the effects of PTSD on the survivor.

This is something that we will need to deal with for service members and the first responders but also for the people of Katrina that have seen the devastation...My local newsperson said it last night "They didnt' say much on the plane here from NOLA but the empty haunted look in their eyes said it all and will surely be there forever into the future"

Flat Angel

I had some pictures up from Flat Angel's USO Tour but I have since moved them on to the picture page. Please check the Link at the top of the page to navigate there!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

A Bitter Pill

I was reading through somethings that I have posted lately...and even chatting on yahoo with "friends" and realized that i've been kinda a b*tch lately! It's a long weekend and everyone keeps asking me "What are you doing this weekend?" Well ummm I guess you are looking at it! I have had a really hard time dealing with things these last few life is just building up on me and I'm not sure how to cope anymore. And this is from someone who according to some is the "perfect military spouse" I'm a confident strong patriotic person who has always made it my goal to support others through their dark times. Now i look around and think Who is supporting me? Where are the people to tell me that I don't have be lonely? That I don't have to handle the pay problems or health problems by myself....I've given so much time to others I forgot about myself. I'm in this huge house by myself with only my dog and cat and my computer. Reaching out to others but having nobody answer the call.

I quit working months ago and I think that in late June that started to wear on me. But then hubby came home on R&R and everything was fine. I'm so used to being independent, working, stressed that this time alone in my house has started to overwhelm me. Especially when the Navy messes up his pay (I pray that it is fixed and we will get the money back on the 15th like they say...I have faith!!)

Daughter is living with my mom and I hate to say it but when I go there and she seems happier than she has been here in Utah it kills causes an ache in my heart I can't even explain. My mom tells me that when i'm not there she threatens her in moving back to Utah with me...( i've been on the other side of that conversation for years...the grass isn't always greener hey Pip's?) But when hubby gets back and returns to the Reserves we are going truckin (I refer to it as our adventure) and hopefully it will work out the way we want and soon we will have our dreams come true...and we can all be together again...

I guess it's just hard to admit that I NEED my husband as much as I do. He's my best friend and my love...but that doesn't mean I didn't have some sort of childish fantasy that without him here I would be fine...I was for awhile...but 14 months drags on and on...He's a Seabee for gods sakes! That's suppose to be 6 mos! Silly me I married the one with a sense of pride and work ethic!

Moving on to another night...guess he isn't coming on tonight. It's a long weekend I think I will sleep in again....

Biloxi Gulfport Area

While most people have been so concerned about what has been going on in New Orleans and how long people have waited for help there are other towns that were affected but were not able to get aid till Thursday. These people did not riot, they did not kill, they did not rape, they did not complain--they made do, they survived, they did what they could for each other. Perhaps the people complaining should look to their neighbors that had their entire towns destroyed by the Hurricane's not good anywhere but there are lots of stories of survival out there. It just angers me that all we can think about is New Orleans.....

Seabees Can Do

There is a good section at Navy Newstand showing pictures of our Seabees working in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina....

Gulfport, Miss. (Sept. 3, 2005) – U.S. Navy Seabee,
Constructionman SeamanMichael Jackson, assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion One (NMCB-1),Alpha Company, fills a portable potable water tank for the South Mississippi Kidney Center in North Gulfport, Miss. The center is currently treating more than 300 dialysis patients with the use of emergency generators. The
lifesaving water the Navy is delivering to the center is used for filtering patient's
blood. Without this vital component, patients would be forced to travel to the
next city for treatment. The Navy's involvement in the humanitarian assistance
operations is led by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in conjunction
with the Department of Defense. U.S. Navy photo by Photographer'sMate 2nd
Class Michael B. Watkins (RELEASED)

It's great the work they are doing while their own families are living in shelters. Bravo Zulu to our Seabees for showing their "Can Do" attitude in times of need!

Flat Angel

How many people know what a "Flat Stanley" is? Most everyone with kids in school should know! Well hubby has been talking about sending all his stuff home from the sandbox and he said he was going to take me off the wall and pack me up to leave...doesn't that sound funny? Well i got this awesome idea of "Flat Angel"! I am now currently trying to convince him to please take my picture around camp and so I can put it in a scrapbook....we will see if he has the guts to do it or not! I can just see him carrying around a picture of me and taking digital pictures of it! Too bad our daughter didn't have this project this year....he has been to many countries! Flat Piper only got to go to Georgia to visit his dad. Well official word hubby doesn't have much to do tommarrow so "Flat Angel" will be visiting around camp!! WOOHOO!! Can't wait to see the pictures...I told him he had to take a picture that isn't "sexy" so that I can show it to everyone...afraid of which picture he is actually going to use!!

**Update on the Flat Angel is now known as "Flat Angel's USO tour!" LOL I told hubby to make sure that he got a picture of Flat Angel with some of his guys over there and I could call it "Flat Angel Supports the Troops" and he is going to do it! But I have mentioned this to a few hero's I know across the US military and now I am going to get pictures from all over! If you would like to be part of Flat Angel please let me know! I would love to attend your local Protest the Protestors gatherings as well!**

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Coming Home!

My husband will be home 4.44 weeks according to his countdown...he's starting to get really done with being over there. It's been over a year now, and as I posted before he had volunteered to stay another 6 months back in April. Of course when he went the first time he pretty much begged to be put on the list that was deploying and when he stayed when everyone else from here came home I supported him so we have been joking about the fact that ONCE AGAIN they are asking for volunteers to stay another 6 month deployment.

He's packing up his footlocker to send it home...he did that once before and then I had to actually send a few things BACK to him because that's when he got his orders to extend finally after they told him he was coming home. I told him he should be excited that he will be home to unpack it this time!

This is our last email conversation about it....

Him: well that sounds like fun i don't have any plans either just sitting
around getting my stuff ready to mail home. Now that sounds good mailing my stuff home lol.

Me: yeah but you have done that once before LOL so we will see if you
actually are here to unpack it LOL just kidding honey :P I know you won't stay again :) Not with your attitude lately LOL you sound like you are done :) i'm starting to get real excited about it though :)

Him: ya me too and your right theres no way i'll stay again. i want to get
back and spend time with you and the kids. i have done my part for now. you can bet i'll have to deploy again some time but not for a couple of years at least lol.

Me: yeah well i bet after a year back home with me and the kids you
will be jumping up and down emailing everyone and their dog again to go if the opportunity arises for anyone to go back LOL And i will shake my head and order more priority mail boxes from the post office when you do LOL

Him: Well i don't know about a year but you are probably right if they are looking for people to come back i will be the one to say i'll go. you know me thats just the way i am but i think i will be taking full advantage of the 2 years that i have before they can call me back!

So that's my hubby and I thought it was nice to share...

Chief Justice Rehnquist

Chief Justice William Rehnquist has passed on. He has helped shape many descisions of the court and his influence has been seen many times.

Toby Keith

Okay honestly I think Toby Keith is a wonderful person that does a lot for the "blue collar" and "camo collar" workers of the USA. He is a man who just lays it out and says Like it or Leave it! I love this song and decided to put it up here even though I had American Soldier on here before. I laugh when I hear this song because I live in Utah and when this song first came out of course the "god loving morman's" who discrimnate against my family, my daughter and my life because I don't go the church decided that it wasn't a good song and wasn't going to allow it on the radio because he said ASS so the radio station did this whole advertisement that they would be playing an "edited version" with the bad word taken I was thinking to myself as I was driving that day "Dammit they caved into "the church" " (as it's known here because you know it's the only church here so we just automatically call it that )*sarcasm is hidden in that sentence can you find it?!?* So it played and i listened...yes here comes the part..... We'll put a *BEEEPP* in your ASS it's the American way! HAHAHAHA I about died laughing!! So everytime I hear this song I laugh and laugh gotta love a country music station!!!


Okay I am trying to not post that much about the hurricane I have so many conflicting emotions. Yes I know people that have been directly affected by it, Yes I feel bad for all the people, Yes I wish that people could just magically snap their fingers and all the people there were able to have gotten food and water and medical care immediately but since we dont' live in a disney movie they couldn't. It's sad yes...but what is really sad is all the violence and the mayhem that has erupted...I mean I understand they are hungry "I'm so hungry I could rape someone...." Because that is the first thing I would think of if I was that hungry...hey at least it might take your mind off it right? Or better yet "I'm so pissed because nobody is bringing ME help or food...hey is that a helicopter here trying to drop off supplies or rescue someone?!? OH WELL THEN I think i'm just hungry enough and need help enough that I'm going to shoot at them"

I wish I could do more than what I can...I have offered help here locally as they have just started to bring evacuees here (up to 2,000) of them but I think that activating people (Natl Guard) and get them along with supplies to the site in 2-3 days is actually quite a feat! WAY TO GO !! I mean you can't just fly everyone there...some have to drive otherwise when they get there they won't have vehicles to rescue being a truck driver I know how long it takes to get places...and with the roads washed away and debris strung everywhere making the major inlets into the city unpassable I think they did a good job. They needed time to gather supplies so the rescue workers there dont' become a burden themselves. We dont' want to have to take care of a bunch of aid workers who need food and water themselves. Or god forbid a place to stay...I'm sure they were all being put up in hotels...oh wait no that's right their lives were mirroring the people there as they were working tirelessly everyday they were there to rescue these people for hours and hours everyday.

But DAMN them! for not responding quickly for all those people who couldn't evacuate. Why have we not heard about the other people that were HIT BY THE HURRICANE?!?! Instead of all the people that were affected by the flooding from their levy system? I mean who knew that if you built a city with the water being held back by concrete barriers that were 17-25 feet ABOVE the city that you might have this happen? Hmmm funny we didn't hear about this effort by the LOCAL SEABEES who's base and families were destroyed....but I'm sure it's a Black Thing as many have chosen to say....I'm sorry if I sound bitter but I'm really broken hearted about this but I only wish people themselves would have taken control of themselves...there's no reason that people should have been beaten with pipes, shot, raped etc....I'm done now...I have to stop otherwise I might say more than is needed....

Friday, September 02, 2005

Travel Centers of America

Okay I am a truck driver....not at the moment but at heart and I will be AGAIN in about a month and half when my hubby gets back. So I am used to stopping at truck stops and I have always liked Travel Centers of America or TA's as they will now be known as in this post. Well i have been traveling to my mother's about 150 miles away at least once sometimes twice a week for the last couple of months. My daughter is now living there so I spend most of my time there. I stop at the SAME TA each sometimes 4 times a week. I get a cup of coffee and I like cream and sugar in my coffee (or as my husband calls it something that is the wrong color...he refuses to call it coffee when you add things to it) well they only have half & half and whole milk in this machine there that doesn't have a temperature gauge on it. Well i have worked food service years ago and that scares me! The first time i got it i ended up dumping it out in the parking lot because it tasted gross and really not right! So i have mentioned this before because there is always this light on the machine like something is wrong with. Of course none of the minimum wage workers there seem to know what this light means....

So I go in tonight as i'm driving home at midnight and buy $45.00 worth of gas....$2.89 a gallon! to get my normal cup of coffee. Well I figure tonight will be different than it was on Monday...they might actually HAVE coffee! Well I still had to tip the big metal pot down to get anything out so apparently they are ALMOST out of coffee. But of course they have NO sugar... and still that nasty cream! So i pay $3.50 for a small container of coffee mate that I could get for a $1.00 elsewhere (You want to talk about price gouging go into a truck stop and try to buy hygeine products or food) and I say to the guy "You are out of coffee" he says "Hmm that's too bad" <----huh?!? You are a truck stop you is as important as diesel! So then I tell him "You are out of sugar as well" he says "Yeah I know" <---oh so i'm not the first one that has mentioned this....Then i ask him if maybe the TA has considered offering a non dairy creamer for those that are lactose intolerant or prefer not to use scarey cream out of a machine....."If you offered a powder cream then I wouldnt' have to pay 3.50 for this little jar to keep in my truck when I stop here 2-4 times a week for coffee. What would the drivers do if they are lactose intolerant and maybe it might be something to think about" he says..." Well i guess if they don't like cream then they should learn to drink their coffee black" Oh you are shitting me right??!?!? So needless to say I had to walk to the restaurant to get sugar for my coffee, took my $3.50 creamer out to my truck and began to form the letter of complaint to the company. It isn't that they don't carry creamer I feel safe using it's that his customer service skills SUCK! I'm sorry but I'm giving that much money to fill up my pickup truck and I'm paying for my coffee and he acts like he's not there to do something for the customer's...I'm sorry that's why they pay you! Well i guarantee when I begin filling up 200 gallons of fuel at $3.00 a gallon....I'll be driving an extra 30 miles to get fuel at the Flying J.

The Family

Me and my beatiful daughter! I keep her locked in the basement and that is why she isn't as tan as I am...I swear!! I DO NOT PAY for mine!!

This is my hubby...what a sexy man :) Course he's not normally so mean looking...but when it's 130 degrees outside you might have that look on your face as well!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

An Honorable Place

I thought about this today as I heard Trace Adkins sing "Arlington". That song always brings a tear to my eye and i can't help it. I imagine the long lines of white crosses stretching across the land and think of each story that is left behind and each family that is left behind and how much honor is represented there. One day I was sitting here at the computer and I had an awful thought. One of those thoughts you dont' wish on anyone but you have to face as a military spouse. Where would I bury my husband if he never came home to me. But also where would I bury him when he passes in the future.

He grew up in a California and Utah and most of his dad's family lives in the south. He joined the Army at 17-18 and left Utah. This is not his home nor is it where I would stay if he wasn't here. He deserves to be buried somewhere that shows the honor that he had for his country. He told me once that he truely believes that the reason he was put on this earth is to serve his country....He deserves to be buried in a National Cemetary with his fellow hero's. But where? I was looking on the Arlington Site and saw that if he was to be cremated (which is his only request) that his ashes would simply be spread in a certain area with no marker. I don't know if I want that...I want someplace I can go and see him, to talk to him, to honor him. He is MY hero, MY husband and MY bestfriend. I am not sure where I would chose at this time. Thank god I don't have to.

I asked him and of course in his natural method of talking about things such as this he said "Why you got plans for when I get back?" or another comment was "What makes you think I will die first?" I was worried that his mother might want to bury him here in Utah because that is where she is. But this is not his HOME this is just where he lives....One day I will have to figure it out but for now I don't. But I know that it will be an honorable place....

Monday, August 29, 2005


Obviously tonight's post would be about Katrina. My husband's detachment is attached to a Battalion in Gulfport Miss. which we now know got the most damage whereas everyone thought New Orleans would. A friend of mine's husband was on his way back from Iraq and was not able to go home to Gulfport and is stuck in Maine at the moment. She is concerned and worried. I am scheduled to fly to New Orleans the first week of October...and hopefully will have a place to stay. But it will be interesting to see if everything is in order enough to even fly my husband and the rest of the Seabee's back there. Over 1 million people without power and it could be up to 2 months before they get it back...I can't imagine how huge the effects that will continue to show up as they recover.

I may be affected as well but hopefully not....the people that were suppose to fix my husband's pay are based in Gulfport. So hopefully they did the job they needed to on Friday...if not I don't know if he will get paid or not. Katrina's touch to my life will be so small compared to the devastation and death that they are experiencing there. Their entire lives gone in a wave...I love the ocean and would love to live in a small town there but it is times like t hese that i'm glad that I live surrounded by mountains and desert.

I will be thinking of their future and hope that if I go there in a month that I can see people pulling together as a community and starting to rebuild their lives.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

A Good Neighbor

I came home late last night then made apparently rambling posts and emails to my husband because he said he could tell I was tired because I wasn't making much sense! But anyway I got home and walked up to my door and noticed there was grass on my front porch...Now how the hell did that happen? I haven't been home lately and haven't mowed since 2 weeks ago. Hmmm someone mowed my lawn for me!! Wow go figure...someone does like me in the neighborhood! I think it's my good looking military neighbor. Woohoo ladies he is a hottie if you are single! A good looking apache pilot can move in next door to me ANYTIME!! Of course now he has his flag up on his front porch so I can't say to people "Just look for the house with the flag on it because i'm the only one in the neighborhood that has one". Hubby says I have to be nice and not scare him away because he thinks he is cool (they met while he was home on R&R) Would I do that?!?! NOT ME!!!! But anyway it was very nice because I wasn't looking forward to it this weekend and have lots other stuff I could be doing...I will have to catch him to see if he did it and if not then i'm a little concerned that there is a lawnmowing bandit running around the neighborhood just mowing people's lawns...My luck I will get a bill! Or they will get caught by the cops and won't come back next week...*please please mow my lawn again I will be a victim of your crime for as long as you want!!*

Tricare Drama Trauma

Okay I was going through this whole episode with Tricare being stupid (a computer glitch I swear!! ) and they wouldn't authorize my shot for the "procedure"...well the dr's office wouldnt' give it to me ($714 is worth waiting for an authorization for) without the WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION from Tricare...understandable thanks Doc for looking out for my best interests! So I wait and wait and FINALLY they get word that Tricare has approved it on the 5th of August...So I get the shot on the 8th of August......The EOB comes in this weekend...DENIED (Not a covered service) well I have an authorization number and a form they sent me showing (TriWest Healthcare Alliance has approved a request from *Doctor's Name Here* to provide you with the following services Blah Blah Blah scientific name of painful shot in the hip region) Yeah so SCREW YOU TRICARE!! I'm sure it's just another "computer glitch" Of course they really need to be paying me by the hour as much time as I need to sit on the phone with these stupid people!

A Good or Bad Paying Job

Okay this week has sucked...I mean honestly sucked!! Starts out I had a job in the morning on Monday...By 7 pm according to my MIL "She wasn't allowed to hire or fire anyone for now" Ummm okay whatever you psycho!! I told her how poor we were (Navy messed up our pay but I allready talked about that...) and instead she is letting her cheating husband blackmail her into keeping HIM and HIS GIRLFRIEND working at the company when I bent over backwards to offer to run the company and take over EVERYTHING. Well screw her! So I fixed the pay and don't need her! Can Do baby!!

So on to my next job I had this week....This goes along with the missing diamond event.... So I went on the hands and knees search all night....Nothing! So I was cleaning my mom's house (she was paying me anyway but obviously I would be looking for the diamond) and I did a very good job vacuuming it. So as I dumped all the contents of the vacuum out on the kitchen floor and was sifting through enough cat/dog hair to make my own chia pet and dust *sneeze* my daughter comes up....That is gross she says! "Awww yes honey but actually it's a job that pays very well if I find my diamond...About $2,000 an hour!" Of course as children think she says to me "Yes but if you don't find it then it really pays badly!!" <----True but like I needed to be a fatalist today! So as I got my hopes up that I found it mixed in the with fur...Nope wait it's not a diamond solitare...only a DOG TOENAIL CLIPPING! *gross* I realized it wasn't doing me any good. I didn't find it. So later that night I put my mom's head light on (I don't know what they are called but those lights you put on your helmet when you go into a cave) and I crawled around in the dark on my hands and knees hoping that this very clear, nicely cut and wonderful diamond would show up and reflect some of the light but it didn't....I loved that diamond it was so pure in color and clarity...We bought a smaller diamond that was higher quality and people would complement me on it all the time. I got out all the paperwork on the many rings my husband has bought me...apparently he bought the diamond replacement on the anniversary band he bought me but I don't have that on my solitare...go figure right?!? Only replacement in case of damage! Not losst....have to check if the homeowners somehow covers it tomorrow! I hate to do it but I might have to play the "Poor left at home Military Wife" thing !!! It's okay if I only use it for good and not evil right?!? Will keep updated on whether I get the diamond again or just a plain walmart band for now.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

The Noises at Night

The noises here are never ending. Someone revving the motor down our street...after all you need to stomp on the gas when the speed limit is 25 right? And of course there is the sound of the hamster cage coming from my daughters room. That is the most annoying sound EVER. She complains she can't sleep...well no doubt me neither! That stupid hamster will take everything and anything into it's wheel (a plastic enclosed wheel) and then run around non stop at night with the sound of hamster food swirling in it like i'm living in a starbucks listening to the sound of coffee grinding.

The quiet hum of the computer as I sit here for hours doing nothing. Chatting with friends from "over there" emailing my husband, waiting for my husband to email me...clicking send recieve in outlook just in case for some reason it didn't check the email automatically and there's an email from him sitting out there in never land. The sound of my dog's toe nails clicking on the wood floor because she is running from the front window to the backdoor thinking she heard something...she hears anything and everything...quick Whisky (the dog) I think i heard the neighbor blink...better run and bark! bark! bark!

Somedays when my daughter isn't here I sit late and night and realize I haven't heard my own voice all day long...I say something outloud just to know it's still there. It sounds odd coming my voice is now foreign to me. People call me and say "i'm sorry to bother you" but there is no bother when the phone's someone to talk to at least. I once knew someone that said she was afraid she would forget her husbands voice because it had been so long since she talked to him on the phone. I told my husband this and then explained that I would never forget his voice...that it echo's in my mind when i do something silly, or stupid, or I have one of those bad days where I need encouragement. I also hear it when i'm feeling like my pants are too tight and my hair is too crazy....Funny how I can hear his voice and never forget but my own sounds odd when I don't talk outloud for a day.

Odd the things you think about late at night as i sit here...send/recieve...send/ answer yet tonight.

Owning Stock in Toilet Paper

Hmmm scary title I know...You never know what I might say! But really this week has been the week from HELL!! And of course I've been very emotional lately with the whole forced menopause thing getting ready for my i'm not normally a blubbering idiot but I have been lately!! Hence the tissue remark!!

Let's see I'll start from the beginning...The military has FUBAR'd my husband's pay and I got 1/2 of the amount I should have for August. This made it so I actually had to sell the waverunners to make our mortgage payment. Hubby asked what else I was going to sell before he got home...Told him EVERYTHING if he didn't figure it out! We don't even want to get into the "ex wife's comments regarding child support" She will get it when I get paid...I would be happy to write her a bad check but I doubt that will do either of us any good!! Apparently someone "forgot" to do his paperwork when he VOLUNTEERED to extend for 6 months and all of a sudden they decided to do that paperwork but instead of doing it correctly they took back 4 months of Combat Pay and Taxes. Of course I have it fixed now but have to wait till the 15th of September to see the money again.....So that check will have about 2,000 extra on it! Which is good. Doesn't help pay the bills or buy food at this time but heck I was on a diet anyway right?

Now i get "nascar bumped" on the freeway the other day. I swear this person hit me on purpose. Of course didn't stop even though he's just banged into be going 65 mph! I tried to pull over but the man slowed down so far he wasn't even going 30 mph trying to get it so i couldn't see his liscense plate number I'm assuming. I got that though cause i'm just that good! And his make and model and a description of him....of course I dont think the cops wanted the "Ugly ass punk who hit me and is dead if i see him at the mall " comment so I changed it to "Mid 20's, dark blond hair, blue shirt, slender build" ! There was only slight damage to my bumper luckily I am a "professional" driver because i was able to recover from the impact without over correcting.

Now what happens? Yes it gets better. I lose the diamond out of my wedding ring!! God knows where...and it's not some cheapo Kmart ring either...the diamond alone is worth only about $2000-2500. Chump change for me being so wealthy you know? I am at my mothers today so I have no idea if the insurance policy is still in effect. I emailed my husband and told him and hoped he didn't get mad at me...He wasn't (of course not like there would be a doubt) but he did say if I lost the WHOLE ring he might be mad. So now since we have NO money (see above) I can't even get a cheapo band if the diamond isn't covered....I told him i'm going to look like the cheating wife...tan line no ring! It's got to get better right?

Who's going to Margarittaville and wants to take me?!?!? I travel light.....But i have no money so please make it an all expense paid trip!! Pretty please!! Will write more when I get home and apparently I need to put a reminder on my cell phone so I will remember to post more instead of all at once.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Burnt Out

Okay I swear sometimes I seem to live in a Jerry Springer episode. It's ridiculous! I realize I haven't posted in awhile but then I have been seriously burnt out with life lately! I have been having conflicting emotions about what to do with our lives when my husband gets back. We have planned to drive truck and I know that is what we will end up doing but I'm really wishing there was some other way. We need about $4000 to finish our house remodel and so we can sell it easily. Of course nobody is going to hand us that money (although i'm not scared if someone offered !) so that means that we have to come up with that money in addition to the normal living money...ummm not happening anytime soon. So I have to leave my daughter which is upsetting to me but I don't think it will be for too long.

Hubby is starting to come around about living in a small town and owning horses and being happy....he said it sometimes takes him a little longer than most people to figure out things! It's all good I love him! I've been an emotional mess has just been getting the better of me and it doesn't help that now i'm going through medication induced menopause (fear the woman with hot flashes at 28!!) I'm looking forward to driving truck don't get me wrong...I love the freedom and the road and all the people that I meet and the fact I get to spend 24/7 with my loving husband---can you tell I like him? But I just am sad about leaving my daughter...

She is happy at my mother's though. That gives me some comfort. I hope that soon once we get the money and can sell the house and get another one with some land that she can be happy with us as a family. Budget Budget Budget is going to be my motto the next year or so in order to save up money! I'm so busy lately getting things ready at the house that sometimes I forget that we need to sleep as humans...maybe that's part of my burn out...we shall see it's time for bed!